Art and Science

Art cannot be separated from science, despite which there is still a large gap in addressing both manifestations of the human intellect. In today’s technological society, the separation between the two cultures is still very valid: the humanistic and the scientific (letters and sciences), the bridges between them still being scarce. For the majority of the population, science is not part of what is understood by culture. Works of art are considered countless paintings, buildings, sculptures, classical music pieces, poems, novels … but not Newton’s laws, Maxwell’s equations or Einstein’s theory of relativity.

In this Summer Course, art and science will go hand in hand, offering very original visions of numerous works of art, through different scientific disciplines. Learn how the weather of the past has behaved and many meteorological concepts thanks to the paintings, know the mathematical relationships that are hidden in an endless number of artistic manifestations, the orientation of many monuments and their reason for being astronomical, or the science underlying the passage of time in the works of art, are some of the issues that will be addressed in this multidisciplinary course, taught by a group of specialists in different branches of science, who have directed part of their research to the artistic world and that have a great experience as scientific disseminators.

Explorar las potencialidades que ofrece el arte en sus múltiples manifestaciones como herramienta de trabajo en la divulgación científica.

Dar a conocer las múltiples conexiones existentes entre el arte y la ciencia, mediante el análisis detallado de numerosos ejemplos artísticos.

Entender las obras de arte desde un punto de vista científico, desde el propio proceso de creación de las mismas, hasta los propios materiales utilizados.

Some people tend to classify, categorize and organize disciplines based on knowledge or information to make their assimilation easier. Artists process that information and knowledge differently from scientists. In general, they tend to be more open and less motivated by the desire to find an answer or solution to life.

Science studies who can perceive blue and other neuro-biological sensations; who may or may not feel them and why this difference. Art, however, conveys feelings and emotions, without demanding in return a rational understanding of them. In other words, while science explains and reasons feelings, art transfers them (Wilson, 1998).

Art and science are necessarily different from the point of view of study and the dissemination of “knowledge.” Science tries to understand the world from knowledge accumulated over time, based on reproducible results and demonstrable and proven facts; strives to seek objectivity. The humanities, academic disciplines that observe the human condition, use mainly analytical, critical and speculative methods. The performing, visual and literary arts express the world from idiosyncratic experiences, intuition, movement and metaphors. Artists are often inspired by the past, but the “truth” of a work of art is not found through systematic research that leads to cumulative and reproducible facts; it is often a matter of subjective and sensory.

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